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The Demon Librarian

Warning to all readers: A mind once expanded can never return to its original dimensions. #trufax Website: http://www.thedemonlibrarian.com/ My name is Lynsey. I am an avid reader. My favourite genres are Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, and the occasional Historical or Romantic mystery. I currently have around 30-40 series on the go, and am constantly feeding my TBR monster. It's an addiction, what can I say? Anyway. Happy reading, everyone! ☆.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ♥ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆

Currently reading

Cloak and Dagger (The IMA, #1)
Nenia Campbell

Shadow Bound (Unbound Series #2)

Shadow Bound - Rachel Vincent Too depressing for my tastes. You'd really have to be in the mood for some darkly disturbing stuff to enjoy this because Kori's character is really not in a good place after being raped, tortured and confined for weeks prior to the beginning of the story. Add in the deceptive, manipulative thoughts from the love interest as it's told once again in alternating first person POV's between the H and h, and it's clear it's not going to lighten up any time soon. This was a DNF for me, despite reaching well past the mid-way point.