RIVER MARKED is book six in the Mercedes Thompson series and it was great fun, if a little confusing at times. I think I might have actually broken some kind of speed reading record with this one, it was just so damn readable. Of course, it doesn't hurt that I frickin' love these characters and feel so comfortable in Briggs' hands when it comes to her Mercy world. Great stuff.The plot did get a bit mind-boggling though, it has to be said. It's probably one of those books that needs to be read slowly to fully absorb the complicated magical and mythological explanations, not at a million miles per hour like I did. But maybe when I re-read it, it will make perfect sense. Or maybe not, becasue Mercy didn't even understand what was going on half the time either!As much as I enjoyed this instalment, I can't wait for Mercy to get to get back with rest of the pack in the next book. This one was mostly her and Adam alone and out of town away from the rest of the guys. I'm not sure that Mercy is what you'd call "universally loved" within the pack, so it will be fascinating to watch how she gets on with that. Because to me, what makes this series great is the intricacies of the pack dynamics - their behaviours, both human and wolf, and how they deal with them. So I did miss them here, but the new characters we met went some way to making up for their lack.All-in-all, a great addition to the series.5 Stars! ★★★★★